We hope you will plan to join us for the 2021 virtual National Registry Summit! Once again, since the event is completely virtual, there will be no charge to attend this year’s eSummit. However, we have reached capacity and registration is closed!
As CPE sponsors continue to pivot from in-person to more online, virtual events, the 2021 eSummit agenda focuses on resources to help make virtual events more interactive and engaging! The eSummit will also feature an expert on digital accessibility so that people with disabilities can interact with online content and participate independently in digital programs. You will also hear from NASBA legal counsel on relevant updates to CPE legislation as well as the CPA Evolution project.
Something on your mind? You will have the opportunity to submit your questions to NASBA during the registration process. Submitted topics will be accumulated and the commonly asked questions will be addressed by the National Registry team during the Ask NASBA! segment of the agenda.
You will receive a confirmation email shortly after the registration is successfully completed. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder. In a separate mailing prior to the event, you will receive a link to the meeting with all login details. Please email cpe@nasba.org with any questions.