National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


Preparing to Apply

The first step to becoming a National Registry Sponsor is to complete and submit an Interest Form indicating the delivery methods your organization plans to offer. The delivery methods include group live, group internet based, QAS self study, blended learning and nano learning. An email containing a link to the online initial application will be sent to the contact listed on the Interest Form.

The contact for your organization should review the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs and gather supporting documentation that is required to be submitted as part of the initial application.

The initial application contains help text to assist in completion of required elements.

The General Application Review Process

During the National Registry application process all submitted documentation will be reviewed for compliance with the Statement on Standards for CPE Programs. The specific items are:

  • program content development and administrative policies;
  • program list;
  • promotional materials;
  • evaluation form;
  • certificate of completion;
  • author/instructor(s) biography;
  • reviewer(s) biography; and
  • program materials.

These materials are all reviewed for compliance. There are specific examples of each of these items in each delivery method area. These examples may be found in the sample template section.