National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


Reviewer Program Expectations and Compensation

The NASBA National Registry Reviewer fees are established based on expected reviewer completion time (which includes course/program review time plus completion of the NASBA Registry Reviewer Form):
Number of CPE credits for reviewed course

Expected Review Time

Review Fee
1 credit                   1 hour                     $195
2-4 credits 2 hours $270
5-8 credits 3 hours $390
9-12 credits 4 hours $515
13-20 credits 5 hours $640
20+ credits 6 hours $765


While the Registry Reviewer is not required to review the entire course/program, the reviewer should devote enough time to determine whether the course meets the Standards.  Once the Registry Reviewer has completed his/her review, he/she will submit the NASBA Registry Reviewer Form and NASBA will issue a check in payment of the appropriate reviewer fee.