National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors



American Institute of Certified Tax Planners, Inc.

Are you working your fingers to the bone because you can't make a living doing only standard tax preparation? The solution to growing a healthy practice? Get certified in tax planning!  Becoming a Certified Tax Coach will allow you to focus on high-value tax planning concepts and strategies.

The American Institute of Certified Tax Coaches is an independent not-for-profit corporation. AICTC is a collaborative network of elite professionals who are using tax planning as a way to establish profitable, consultative practices. The AICTC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of Continuing Profesional Education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

The AICTC is the only organization providing hands-on training, proven systems, tools, support, and the Certified Tax Coach (CTC) designation. When graduates achieve the CTC credential, the designation conveys their unique expertise in tax planning.

About the Certified Tax Coach Designation

The Certified Tax Coach designation denotes financial expertise, tax planning excellence, and outstanding customer satisfaction. All Certified Tax Coaches attend an intensive, three-day proprietary training academy, and are required to attend 24 additional hours each year of continuing professional education in proactive tax planning. Attendees become well versed in high-impact tax planning strategies, and are offered additional continuing education courses to expand their specialized knowledge. Professionals with the Certified Tax Coach designation know how to save their clients thousands of dollars that would otherwise be wasted on unnecessary taxes.


8885 Rio San Diego Drive Ste. 237
San Diego, CA
United States

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NASBA Approved providers:

  • National Registry

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Approved Delivery Method:

  • Group Internet Based
  • Group Live
  • QAS Self Study
21 Results
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